

 デザイン思考には大学院に進学してから触れる機会が多くなり、「クリエイティブな問題解決の手助けをしてくれるフレームワーク」であるというところくらいまでは定義付けができている状態だ。もともとは政治学者のHerbert A. Simonや、エンジニアのRobert H. McKimによって、Design as a way of thinking(考える手段のためのデザイン)として生み出された概念らしく、Robertの著書である『Experiences in Visual Thinking』 (1972, Brooks/Cole)では、視覚的な情報がクリエイティブな思考において寄与しうる多大な貢献について触れていた。毎度スケッチや参考画像で壁が散らかってしまう自分としては、同意せざるを得ない。つまりデザイナーではない人がデザイナーのように考えてみる(言い換えると、誰もがよりクリエイティブな発想をする)ためには、視覚的な情報が大きな助けになるということだと自分は理解している。




 デザイン思考に関しては今後も様々な議論が繰り広げられるだろうし、この議論がどのような方向へと展開していくのか、楽しみにしつつ自分でも思考を深めたいと思った。もちろん、この主張はビジュアルをデザインする個人としてのバイアスが少なからずかかっていて、他の領域(UI/UX, プロダクト, サービス)ではまた大きく異なる前提を踏まえた意見が生まれると言うことも理解している。しかしその中である程度共通する教訓を挙げるとするならば、それは当初主張された「思考と視覚の強い関係性」に回帰し、感覚の重要性を忘れずにものづくりに従事するということなのかもしれない。

  I've been touching the concept of design thinking after I started my graduate school, and I've defined it as "a framework that helps solve problems." Originally this concept was created as "design as a way of thinking" by political scientist Herbert A. Simon and engineer Robert H. McKim. Robert's book, Experiences in Visual Thinking. (1972, Brooks / Cole) mentions the tremendous contribution visual information can make in creative thinking. As a person fills up walls with a bunch of sketches and references when thinking, I have to agree with that theory. Visual information can be a great help for non-designers to think like designers (in other words, to enable everyone to generate ideas in more creative ways), this is my understanding.

The current design thinking has changed its shape over time and is often explained in five stages (sympathize → Define → Ideate → Prototype → Test). When I saw this diagram for the first time, I remember that I was impressed that the processes that the people around me and I were doing unconsciously and could not be verbalized were transformed into a very easy-to-understand form. Since then, I have seen many people adopt this methodology everywhere. However, things spread, and the risk of misinterpretation increases at the same time. Today's design thinking is separated from the original philosophy that I could not fully agree with and has become a phenomenon that feels a bit strange. Many designers, including myself, feel that way probably because there has been an unnatural gap between their daily activities of "design" and "design thinking".

Considering what factors are creating the gap, I realized that the five steps have become recipes (methodologies) for creating an ideal design. Each of these steps is a rough expression of the philosophy that designers have. Each step involves particular methods depending on who executes it or what they try to solve. After all, the part that needs to be able to face each problem flexibly (based on the five stages) is the part that must remain the same in the act of creating something.

Besides, it does not include the creator's perspective or criticism. Some argue that design is a problem-solving and that the intention of the creator shouldn't be included, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with it for now. Learning design is not only learning skills but also developing keen eyes on what we make. With that, we constantly evaluate whether what we are making now makes sense or even is beautiful. Recently, I started thinking that criticism is the place where I can best play my role as a designer and is the most essential part of creation.

There will be lots of discussions on design thinking in the future, and I will deepen my own thinking while looking forward to what direction this discussion would go. Of course, I understand that my assertion is somewhat biased as one from an individual who designs graphics and could be totally different in other areas (UI / UX, industrial, services) based on their criteria for making great products. However, one of the lessons in common among those areas that I can take away from design thinking is to return to the initial concept of "strong relationship between thought and vision evidence" and make beautiful things without forgetting the importance of human senses.








I had been based on the idea that there were two professions in the design world: the creator and the thinker for a while when I was in undergrad. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the answer as to which side I was on until I had to get a job so that I took a year off to buy myself some time. I think the intention of people wanting to divide things into genres is far from the desire to simplify complicated things. The truth is we want to selfishly say that "I am different from you." which is the fact that I was pretending not to notice for a long time at this stage. When you concentrate on a certain field, you'll find something you think is perfect, then blame yourself for not being able to reach it, or being jealous of others. In such a case, "creator-thinker dualism" comes in handy to escape from reality. It's a strange question made by myself that takes forever to solve, and after a while, of course, the reverse path is waiting.

However, if I'd be honest, I was having a good time doing both of them. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that there is an inseparable connection that was made invisible by incorrectly categorizing it. I often hear people saying that you are more likely to suffer from something you started with a fun, which I understand, but don't want to be convinced by. So one day, I began to accept the fact that I had to do both. In Pratt, my respected teacher told me in my last personal critique, "You will have the moment to decide to do this (design) for the rest of your life." It may be correct that I had flown in this direction, rather than having a moment when I was as confident as her. But come to think of it, after accepting the fact that I had no choice but to do both, my determination was being gradually stronger.

So I’ve changed my attitude since then, and as a result, I feel like I've become ordinary. A boring and mediocre designer without anything special (actually, I used to call myself a designer in the sense of encompassing multiple disciplines, but now I often use a graphic designer that has narrower meaning). Would me from 5 years ago with an edgy personality be disappointed if he'd see me now? However, to my current self strangely, I sometimes feel even my uniqueness* more than ever. The meaning and profession of the word "designer" may depend on the context. But the fact that I can spend a lifetime of playing alone by putting my thoughts into an actual thing makes it hard for me to think there is a reason to quit it so far.

* I guess I broke up with the identity crisis that came from jealousy of other people when I took a year off. Assuming it was because I started thinking that your identity is not only on the path you've chosen but also on how far you went (like mileage). Since then, there's a never-give-up spirit in me that says, "things will pay off as long as you keep doing it," which has FYI helped my ass many times ...








 For two months after I came to New York, I tried to go to museums and live concerts to be inspired by several inputs in my free time, even though it wasn't so many. I also worked on my freelance projects on weekends. Although it was only a short period, I guess I can simply be satisfied with the fact that I was able to deal with multi-tasking as a natural-born lazy person. Regarding the input, I made appointments with someone and dragged myself into Manhattan to be inspired even if I wasn't in a mood. Regarding the freelancing, my support from Nishimura, a friend from a university I've been working with recently, really supported me.

He's equally sincere in any genre or scale of work, and for good or bad, devotes himself to production 24/7, so he's one of the few people who can work with me whose holiday concept is very vague. Besides, He is very good at criticizing the idea of the work so that I can work with a nice amount of pressure. I think it is a strength that we can work together by casting high-purity output based on a deeply thought out scenario from the beginning of a project by having his filter before clients'.

It's been more natural for me to think about what to do from individual desires or interests rather than finding various social issues, form a team that suits for solving them, and distribute each role. But then, for example, in a world where there is a virus that continues to explode all over the place and overturns aspects and values ​​of modern society, in other words, where there is a hugely common problem for humankind without searching for, my question lately has been what kind of action can be effectively taken by a group that is not ready for solving that problem as a result of continuing to focus on "what is fun for them." Even if we suddenly advocate a mission such as "Better the world with the power of design," is it possible for us to enjoy it comfortably? We don't want to behave as if the problem itself didn't exist, so what can we do?

Honestly, I have no clue what kind of direction this world will go, so far, not only I can't find the answer, but the meaning of the things that I have done in the past has been re-questioned over and over. However, no matter what, there is no choice but to move forward steadily with the typical model answer that you can only do what you can do now. Sometimes as a graphic designer, sometimes as a person.









 The statement goes that “art and design are nothing alike” is something you can't avoid hearing in this world. Since my undergrad, I have occasionally discussed the differences between those two with my classmates. However, in recent years, I feel that recognizing commonalities is more valuable than talking about its differences. In the first place, both art and design are languages ​​and concepts imported from abroad, and neither of them had existed in Japan until then.

First, we have difficulty even verbalizing what we are thinking in our mind and telling it to others. There is a question of what the potential of exploring the differences of words that were defined, translated, and hasn't changed for years. Besides, the tone that distinguishes them creates repulsion that keeps them away from each other, and the importance of art, which is originally delicately intertwined with design, maybe cut off in every context. There is a risk of misunderstanding as if they were independent concepts born from totally different historical contexts.

Even if we don't recognize them as the same thing, we need to keep in mind that they are not a binary opposition. And the first page of the guide to the designer shouldn't be saying, "We are not an artist." which makes no sense to me. Regarding my experience, since I stopped making a distinction between art and design, thinking about which side I belong to, and start going back and forth between them, my work has been becoming more and more solid design-wise.

Even if the commonality of the act of creating something is divided by their purposes, the process of reaching them (whether it is unconscious or not) crosses the borders of lots of different areas. By recognizing them as one series of activities that are loosely connected without being deceived by words, how much of the distressing anguish such as "I am not an artist, and I can not express freely" disappears. Above all, we as designers, have learned the beauty of creation from artists.

Today, I feel that titles make little sense, but by claiming that I am a graphic designer, I just mean pride that expresses my origin and passion. One day, a person who came to lecture from an advertising agency said, "I'm a little different from artists and designers. I'm an adperson." I don't know why, but his tone didn't seem to treat both art and design as useless things. On the contrary, I felt like I saw his attitude captures art and design as a place to be able to drop in at any time, advertising as a home where he sits down and has a passion about the most.









 From my experiences of studying abroad several times, I am often surprised by the wide range of age of the students in each institute that I've been, not just the background of them. Regarding the Pratt graduate school where I am at now, some say that I have been studying design since my undergrad, and others say that I was a chef until recently. And because the things that the chef makes are always delicate and beautiful, it's hard to tell where humans hide their talents.  

Suddenly, I looked back on how long I have been facing design for the first time. I first came across the concept of design when I was in high school. I watched a movie about a radioactive waste disposal site in Finland called "Oncaro" in the audiovisual room. This facility isolates waste away from the human world by storing it underground and does not allow anyone to drop in until 100,000 years after when it's toxicity disappears. By around 2100, it will be full of waste and closed (landfilled).  

The movie has a chapter on how to tell people 100,000 years later, "Don't enter because this is a dangerous place." And this mission is not the same as putting "no swimming" on the river and putting a big red diagonal line on it. Because 100,000 years later, everything changes in words, letters, meanings of colors, and shapes. Several experts gathered and said in that movie, "What if we put huge spikes around the facility?" I don't remember what conclusion this argument came to, and even if I did, we wouldn't be able to check the answer 100,000 years later. However, I still clearly remember the pressure that this story gave me, the endless, overwhelming amount of trial and error. 

For a while, this memory didn't show up to me at all. But ever since I decided to be a designer in my undergrad, this movie has been guiding me with the greatest wisdom to be able to be a better designer.  Design is for strangers that we haven't met and will never meet.  By the way, almost five years have passed since I started designing. 


 I often say that design is for strangers, but a while ago I found a book with such a title. The meaning may be different from what I am saying, but I am very interested that I want to read it as soon as I return to Japan. 

 I am very grateful to the teachers at the time for giving me the opportunity to watch such a wonderful movie as a high school student, as well as those who made it.









